Saturday, March 13, 2010


I love my family. I love my parents. I am a blessed daughter to have such wonderful people in my life. I love my sister and my brother in law. They are a fantastic team and I love watching them grow as a couple and as parents. Wanna know something? I LOVE the kids in our family! I have two beautiful children, Declan and Rowan. I have a newphew, Riker who I loved the minute I laid eyes on him. I have a niece, Trinity, who is beautiful and who reminds me of her mother...that always makes me smile. Now I have a new nephew (see photo above)! Sawyer John, who I haven't met yet. This precious little person finally decided to leave the comfort of his little home inside my sister and join us out in the big open world. I'm itching to meet this little man! I can't wait to hold him and talk to him...the same way I held and talked to Riker and Trinity when they were babies.

Welcome, little Sawyer John. I can't wait to hold you and take part in your life!