Saturday, May 29, 2010's been a while!

It's been a long time since I've written here. A lot of things have happened. I hardly know where to begin...

There's been a lot of tough stuff going on. In March I lost my job at Sun Life. To date, I am still unemployed...that's so depressing. It's been nearly impossible to find anything but in some ways I think God planned it that way. I think He knew that the kids needed me to be home for a while and so He's making that happen whether I want it or not!

John moves out this weekend. That part is tough. The kids are doing okay at this point thanks to the prayers of many friends and family. God is holding them in the palm of His hand and for that I am so grateful. They are feeling the strain of the move, but are not reacting too badly to it at this point. I know there will be fallout sooner or later with them and I've put structure in place to deal with that. As for me...well...I find myself crying at stupid times of the day and night. I feel overwhelmed, scared, angry, sad, and yet sometimes I'm peaceful, even joyful, it's just weird. I know God has a purpose in all of this. I don't know what it is but I believe that He works all things for the good of those who love Him.

Prayer requests...(thank you in advance to those who pray...what would we do without the prayer support of our friends, family, and even family in Christ that we haven't met yet? My heartfelt love and thanks go to each and every one of you!)

1. The kids...please continue to pray a covering of protection over my children. I can't save them from all hurt...they are hurting...but please pray that this would be a fairly smooth transition for them. Also pray that their relationship with their Dad continues to grow stronger everyday...they need that.

2. John...I just can't do this yet so please prayer family, I need your help. Please pray for John as he moves into a new place, as he works (he's got two jobs now), and as we figure out support, custody and visitation with the kids. Pray for patience, understanding, empathy, grace, and the ability to communicate effectively and maintain a relationship for the sake of the kids. This is so important and a huge concern for me. Pray for healing as well...mind, body and soul.

3. For me...please pray for my parenting skills! I ask for a relationship with my children that has open communication, tons of love and understanding on both sides. I'm not the most patient of people...please pray that my ability to be patient and calm grows! Please pray for peace and clarity of mind...that I will be certain of my path and that the right doors will open at the right time relating to a job, childcare, as well as school (I'm trying to get into University to complete a bachelor of nursing degree).

4. For my family and friends...the trouble with separation is that it doesn't just affect the immediate family, it affects parents, brothers, sisters, neices, nephews, extended family, and friends. The backlash hits everyone and it can be so painful. Please pray for them as they mourn this separation...because that's what this is...a time of mourning.

I'm so grateful to all the people who have offered their help, prayers, and suggestions. Thank you to all those who have helped me to laugh, cry, vent, and stay sane! To my parents, who are the greatest gift from God I have ever known, I would be in such a dark place right now if it wasn't for you. God spoke to you and you listened and I'm so grateful. I'm blessed, truly, to have the family that I have. Each one of you is precious to me and I love you all.



Jobina said...

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26

Elayne said...

You articulated your situation SO WELL Michele and I will pass those prayer requests on to friends that ask about you. God will hold YOU in the palm of His hand as well. You are never alone. Thank you for acknowledging how this affects so many besides your immediate family. It is true. This is an exhausting time for all of us but we'll get through it together and as you keep your eyes on God He will direct you to those open doors. We're here for you!! XOXO

Krystle Parker said...


I don't personally know you but,your blog really touched my heart.Divorce or separation can be very difficult on a family..If it is not handled in the appropriate way,it can be damaging.I do pray that God remains in all of your lives,and that there will be peace for all of you someday.God definitely works things out for the better,though at times it can be hard to see what good could come of it,I pray that your eyes remain focused on God,that your heart remains open,and not shut off.I pray that fear does not overcome your family,but that you will feel safe in his arms.

My heart goes out to it has taken my parents 10 years now to finally finalize their divorce.A 10 year separation has been the most difficult thing I could ever endure,only because there hasn't been closure,and we haven't been able to move forward.From your blog,I can tell that you have a beautiful,strong heart and that you will do great,even though it hurts,and its confusing and unknown,you will do great because your faith is in God's hands.

God bless,

Michele said...


Thank you so much for your comments! Your encouragement is appreciated and came at a great time...God's timing is so perfect, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Good luck in such a tough time. I'll pray for you.

Krystle Parker said...


You're welcome..and yes God has perfect timing and I am glad that I came across your blog..if you ever need to talk please feel free to contact me.I hope you are doing alright..but remember its okay to admit that your not.Sometimes we need help from others to get through hard times.

God bless

Ollie said...

Michele, Praise the Lord that He knows which people to place around you to lift you up in prayer and support you! He is an AMAZING God! He knows what we need and He provides abundantly!! Your family and friends will always be there and I pray for you, Declan, Rowan and John every day. One day at a time.