It's been three months since my last post. OI VEY!! I can't believe all the stuff that's happened in that time. Here's an update for you...
John moved out and has his own place in town. The kids see him twice a week and that seems to be working for now. We are on good terms and talk almost every day.
Declan is in grade 4 and doing really well. He's your typical 10 year old...snarky...eating everything in sight...a little crazy...and totally wonderful. I wouldn't trade him for all the tea in China! He often tries to be the man of the house. I keep telling him that all I want is for him to be a kid...but what does a Mom know, right?
Rowan is another story altogether. She's had a really tough time dealing with her Dad leaving. She went through a really tough phase where she was violent to other kids and very angry at home. She's now in counselling and in a fantastic Christian daycare/preschool and doing great! Her manners have come back and there's been way less fighting at school. I'm really proud of her...she's come a long way.
I found a job!!! FINALLY I am working! I started my career as an Insurance Agent for AMA in August. I am in training until October 18th and then I'll be able to sell insurance. The exams and training have been tough but the people are great and I really enjoy the work so far. The money is exactly what I need to stay on budget...God saved the day again!!!!
We have really been blessed with amazing support from all over the place! Our church has helped with school supplies, babysitting and all kinds of other stuff. The pastor at our church is working on starting an adopt a family program where solid Christian families in our church adopt a single parent and kids and do things with them once a month or so. This gives the kids a chance to connect with another family and just have a place to go do fun stuff. I'm really looking forward to that.
Thank you thank you thank you to all of you who have kept us in your prayers this summer. Every prayer was heard and answered and we are so grateful! We have been covered in God's peace and grace and we really are doing well. I've been singing TONS and I have also been doing some public speaking which has been a challenge! Who knew that this was what God had in store for me!
My lifesong is stronger now than it's been in a long time. I'm so happy and so blessed.
The verse I've hung onto this summer?... "My children are taught in the Lord, great shall be their peace" Isaiah 54:13
Awesome eh?
It's About More Than A Warm Fuzzy Feeling....
8 years ago
lots of changes in that life of yours! I love that verse, I don't think I've heard it before.
Where are you public speaking?
My next public speaking gig/ music gig is for a 55+ club that meets at River of Life Church. They had a request from some of their members to invite me to speak and sing for their dinner and so they've asked me to come and have offered to pay me for my time! VERY COOL! I've spent this weekend working on what I'm going to say. I think I'm going to do a different format this time around. Usually I'll do my talk and then a concert after, but this time I'm spreading my talk in between songs. It makes a more interesting performance I think and my stories conincide with my songs so well, it only makes sense to do it that way.
He is the same yesterday, today and forever...always faithful, full of grace and compassion, and a champion of turning hopeless despair into victorious living! There is not a single situation that He can not overcome and your situation is proof positive once again. PTL!!
The difference between this spring and now is like night and day! God's grace IS sufficient for absolutely everything! It's really true that God never blinks. He doesn't miss anything that goes on in our lives and He has walked you through these tough months and will keep leading you as you keep your eyes on HIM! PTL!
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