That's right my fine friends...there is a studio in the making at my house! Currently it has a set of electronic drums (My most recent purchase thanks to the haggling power of Rick!), two keyboards, a guitar I have on loan from my Dad (I've learned two chords...I'm pretty proud!), and a little amp. Still needed are 2-3 decent sized amps (one for keyboard, one for drums, one for mics), 2 mics and mic stands, a guitar stand or two, a computer specifically for that space and some really awesome recording software. I'm sure it will take a long while to get this together in the way I would like to see it come together, but God will work miracles and it will be done...of that I have no doubt.
Why build that what you're asking? I believe that God created music for multiple reasons. He created music as a way of communicating our love for Him, as a way of expressing ourselves when words aren't enough, as a way of making a statement and getting a point across, as a way to learn something new or be reminded of something we knew all along but hadn't thought of in a while. Music creates thoughts and feelings that maybe we wouldn't have if the music wasn't there. In all of this, music is one of the tools God uses to heal us. I work out my frustration on my piano, I write songs about pain I've been through, lessons I've learned, and joy overflowing and it helps me heal. Music is therapy in every sense of the word. I have a rare opportunity to create a space where people can heal. A place where musicians of every age, race, color and creed from every walk of life can come and find God in their songs...this includes myself and my children! My daughter sings up a storm and my son LOVES the drums and plays whenever he gets a second to do so!
I've always said that I want my home to be a place where people always feel welcome. Where they feel like they are wanted and appreciated for who they are. I want to be able to give back to my community because they've given so much to me...providing space and stage time for me to play my songs and hone my skills as a musician. I want to create a space for musicians to network, play, jam, bounce around ideas and create music for God's glory. It's not a big space, it's very very cozy, but it's warm and welcoming and God is most definitely there! I'm looking forward to seeing new faces, hearing new music, and working with some talented people. I'm looking forward to watching my children play and sing along with people that will come here. God is moving and I can hardly wait to see where this all goes! In the meantime...feel like jamming? Drop me a line! This is God's space and it's meant to be play on fellow musicians! I'm right behind you!
It's About More Than A Warm Fuzzy Feeling....
8 years ago
Can't wait to see this space in person! WOW! I'm so excited with you to see where this is going to take you but also excited for the outlet it is providing for you and your kids right now. Good to live in the moment. I'm really looking forward to hearing music next time I come!!
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