Hey everybody! I finally got some pictures from the concert at Victory Church.
I was the last performer on but my pictures come first!
This is Josh. He was one of the other performers and a wicked guitar player! Playing Uno inbetween sets...
It's About More Than A Warm Fuzzy Feeling....
8 years ago
You look right at home!! That looks awesome seeing you behind the keyboard with a mic in your face! Love it!
I was going to say what happened to your long hair? But then I remembered that was temporary :) I'm used to your Facebook pic now I guess. But you're gorgeous dahling with it any length. Actually, it's really not fair that you look good with long and short hair!!
p.s. everyone do not click on galmaran's link. It's to one of those sites distributing Zlob, DNS Changer and Trojan-Downloader
Michely-welly you should probably delete that comment :)
net police at your services haha
Thanks for the info Stace! If I could figure out how to delete it I would. My moderation was turned off. I turned it back on but it won't let me moderate that one. I'll ask my computer whiz buddy to help me with that. Thanks for the heads up. Glad I saw your comment before I clicked!
And why in the world is no one siting on the couch??!! THAT is where I would be, lounging (and listening to your beautiful music of course)!
The games that they put on the coffee table weren't exciting enough to grab anyone's attention. There were people sitting on the couches when the music was going on. It's hard to play a ruthless game of Uno on a couch!
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