Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's new in the house...

I just realized that I haven't updated all of you with what the kids have been up to. Declan lost his first tooth (pulled it out all by himself). He didn't have a chance to enjoy a toothless grin though. His adult tooth had already grown in behind it. I guess braces will be in our future - yuck. Here's a picture of him right after the tooth came out.

Rowan has become a singing maniac! Her favorite songs are "I'm in the Lord's Army" and "Jesus loves me" as well as the theme song from Wonderpets! What a girl! I was going to put a little video of her singing on here but for whatever reason it doesn't want to work so I'll just post a picture of her instead.


Stacey said...

Oh man, I'm sure you know this but your kids are cuuuuute!! Those eyes on Declan... and that skin... oh man, heart-breaker in the making! And Rowan's little face is just too precious!

A singing maniac eh? Like mother, like daughter!

p.s. videos have to be 100k or lower to load. When I tried once mine was a little too big and wouldn't upload. So once I reduced it, it went up fine. Don't know if that was your problem or not though.

Jobina said...

Oh Michele, the DRESS!!!! She looks adorable! I can't believe Declan is already losing teeth, and pulling them out by himself! These kids are getting way too old!