Sunday, July 20, 2008

New look....

Some of you have already noticed the new look. This is just one of a few that I'll be trying out in the next little while. If you'll notice on the top right hand side of the screen, there's an address where you too can go and check out some cool new looks if you're so inclined. There was a lot of neat stuff on that site that you can use to spruce up your blog page. Being that music is such a huge part of my life at the moment, I thought this suited me well. We'll see if I keep it!


Stacey said...

I LOVE it! Totally suits you! I looked at Pyzam when I wanted a change. There was tons of really great templates but I decided to make my own since I, well, know how and can :) But that is a great web site. I like your choice!

Stacey said...

Oh your list of blogs is missing. Maybe you want it that way. Once I start I just usually cruise to either Mark, Jobina's or your Mom's via the links so that's why I noticed! ha

Michele said...

Thanks Stace...I added the blogrole back in.

Stacey said...

I loved your new blog roll so much that I added it on mine! The little update snippets are so cool! Thanks for adding it or I would have never noticed that it was a new page element available!