Thursday, May 29, 2008

I love my husband...

I can't really say anything for a couple of weeks yet but I wanted to let you all know that John and I have passed that T-intersection we were in. We considered all the possibilities and came up with a solution that gives us both a feeling of total peace.

I am beyond moved at the love and encouragement John gives me. He is so aware of the needs of his family and wants whatever is best for everyone involved. There was such a spirit of cooperation through all of this and I know it's because our friends and family have been praying for us. Thank you! I know that there will be more challenges, but we will get through them.

That's all for now...think I'm going to go hug my hubby!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Last night for the first time in many many nights...I actually slept. I slept through the night and then had a nap this morning while Rowan was playing! It's amazing how a lack of sleep can disturb the way you think, how you feel about things, and the way you react to people and situations. I was having a really hard time processing everything that was going on around me! Now I understand why, when something really stressful happens like a death or something, doctors will often prescribe sleeping pills. If you don't sleep, you can't process everything that's going on. You're more prepared to handle things if you've slept for a decent length of time.

I still haven't totally caught up on my sleep, but last night was a great start! To all who have been praying for me...thank you! I've still got a lot on my plate, but I'm better prepared to handle it now.

Think I'll take another nap...

Monday, May 26, 2008


Prayer is a hard thing for me these days. I have so much going on in my head, I have even more going on physically. I feel like I have no words to pray. I just ache and turn my eyes to God. I am so thankful that I have a God who listens to my heart, not just my words. Sometimes our best prayers are the groanings that make no sense to the human ear, they are the most truthful.

There's nothing I want to talk about, I don't want to unload on anyone right now. Sometimes we just have to work out these dark days with God and no one else. So on that note, even though I don't want to talk about it, please remember me in your prayers as I try and dig myself out of this hole I'm currently in. It seems pretty steep but I have faith that God and I can work it out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still at the intersection...

Just to update you. John and I are still working on our future. I think we've pretty much decided that we would like to stay put for a while longer. The question now becomes whether or not John's work will allow that to happen without him taking a demotion. John is working on this now. For specific prayer, please pray for the people who make the decisions to move staff, that they will be led to do what God wants for us. I really believe that this is one of Satan's ways of keeping this album from being completed. Please pray that this album will continue on and that God will be glorified through it. Thanks everyone!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

We have come to a T-intersection...

There are some questions up in the air with regard to John's work vs my recording an album. We have a lot of praying and even more talking to do. This is a critical time as this will define what our future will look like. If you have a praying heart, please remember our family. We are all trying to do what's best for eachother but in doing that, someone has to give a little. Please pray that we are discerning and that we find a solution that everyone can live with and not feel cheated. We don't want any bad feelings. More info when I know more...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A radio personality is born...

Well it's official. Saturn of Lethbridge has approved the commercial I spoke in and it will go to air on Monday. Speaking in commercials is tough. I now know why people go to school for this. It's very easy to sound choppy and you really have to work to give a commercial the right tone. Really good voices can make hundreds of dollars per commercial...I'm merely a pathetic beginner so I made around $30. On the upside, it's a great experience and one I would like to do again and again! Learning what to do with your voice can help not only for speaking parts, but for singing as well. I think the thing I liked best was the way a producer can just click a few things on the computer and make a voice that's low and nasal (yes, that's my view of my own voice) into something higher, lighter, and not nasal at all. The wonder of technology! It can make anyone sound great! So, if you're in Lethbridge, listen to the just may here a commercial for the Saturn Astra with my voice on it!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Manitoba and Mother's Day...

I just came back from a whirlwind trip to Manitoba. I spent four days away from my kids and husband so that I could spend some time with my extended family. What fun! Since my trip was so close to Mother's Day, I started watching the females in my family in their roles as "Mom".

My sister, Jobina is the kind of Mom I would like to be. She's patient, she encourages her kids to be creative, and she makes it possible for them to grow spiritually as well. I watched her make a space suit out of an old paper bag for her daughter, I heard her sing church choruses with them at night, and I witnesses two children who adore her and love the attention she gives them. She's fair and firm with them. She disciplines when needed and makes sure they understand why she's disciplining them. She has two incredible little people there who are well rounded and really interesting to be around!

My Mom was also there. Jobina and I took her out for lunch for early Mother's Day. We had a great time eating, talking, laughing, and shopping together. What a great day! My Mom has a great relationship with both her daughters. How did she do it? LOTS of patience, and perserverence! I think I can speak for Jobina when I say we were not always the easiest kids to raise. We often pushed her away, and she just kept coming back! Now I can't imagine life without her! She's always around to talk to about anything, she spends oodles of time with the grandkids and loves each one like they are her own kids. She has tons of good advice to give but never pushes it on us. She has found that balance between being "Mom" and being "friend". My life would be very empty if she wasn't in it.

I also got a chance to see some of my cousins in their roles as Mom. My cousin Maida is an incredible Mom with 4 kids. She's a happy, vivacious woman who doesn't look nearly old enough to have the kids that she has. Two of her kids are entering the teen years, which are never easy. Maida really works on her relationship with these two. They spend special time together so that she can reinforce the bond she has with them as they start becoming more independent. This helps her children know that they can come to her with anything. They are great kids and she is truly a great Mom.

My cousin Rachelle has two kids, the last being only 5 weeks old. As busy as she is with that baby, her older child never feels left out. He is a well rounded little toddler who is affectionate and loving to all. Rachelle works hard to make sure her children get the attention they need. She's great at providing the boundaries that will help her children know what's right and wrong in a way that doesn't compromise their self esteem. She's a pleasant lady with a great laugh and even though she's got so much going on, she's always easy to talk to.

There are lots of people I have left out...but know that I think of you too! I have been blessed to have many amazing role models in my life. I take what I see other Mom's do and I try and apply that to my own life with my kids. Motherhood is wonderful, scary, frustrating, awesome, and intense. Were it not for the fact that I have a wonderful Heavenly Father to lean on when things are tough, I don't know if I could do it. Would I trade it? Not in a million years!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Good friends and neighbors...

I have this neighbor. Her name is Olive (but she doesn't want to be called her Ollie). Ollie, her husband and two kids live just a few doors down from me. Ollie has become a great friend. I take her kids to church with me (I think that's almost more fun for me than it is for the kids!) and we take turns babysitting when the need arises. Today we started a blog for Ollie and wouldn't you know that crazy Nova Scotian wrote about me! It was a beautiful post and I felt honored to read it! If you feel like checking it out, click on her name above and the link should take you there. Thanks Ollie!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Commercial Jingles...

Last night I had the pleasure of trying something new. I did speaking parts and singing parts for radio commercials. I also co-wrote a jingle for a local company. The time it took was really nothing considering how many we did, and the money was great! More importantly, that was a TON of FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got to Brad's at 9pm and we worked until 1am. We did 7 speaking spots, 1 jingle from creation to completion, and even managed to lay piano tracks for two of my songs and vocals for one. I came home energized, excited, and full of things to talk about! Poor John had to listen to me tell him every detail for nearly an hour!
6 months ago if you had told me this is what I would be doing with my life, I would have laughed in your face. I didn't think I was good enough vocally, or musically to do this type of work. I have found out that I was wrong. God put this in my life at the perfect moment. With these new relationships and challenges, I have found confidence and a belief that I can do anything I set my mind to do. Music has always had a huge role in defining who I am. Now that is more true than ever with God playing the part of conductor.
I should also tell you a bit of a story...John had an issue with his paychecks this month and we were worried that things were going to be really tight. The DAY we found out about his checks, Brad called to offer me this work. The money I made was more than double what we were short. THAT, people, is how God works!!! Praise the Lord for His love for His children and His willingness to provide for us. We are a blessed people!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Rowan Singing...

I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. So...

INTRODUCING...a Rowan Treleaven rendition of....Jesus loves me!!!