Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Last night for the first time in many many nights...I actually slept. I slept through the night and then had a nap this morning while Rowan was playing! It's amazing how a lack of sleep can disturb the way you think, how you feel about things, and the way you react to people and situations. I was having a really hard time processing everything that was going on around me! Now I understand why, when something really stressful happens like a death or something, doctors will often prescribe sleeping pills. If you don't sleep, you can't process everything that's going on. You're more prepared to handle things if you've slept for a decent length of time.

I still haven't totally caught up on my sleep, but last night was a great start! To all who have been praying for me...thank you! I've still got a lot on my plate, but I'm better prepared to handle it now.

Think I'll take another nap...


Jobina said...

yay for sleep! I'm so glad you could finally rest!