Monday, January 21, 2008


Today I have to take my little girl to the public health clinic and let them poke needles into her arm. I hate needle days for multiple reasons. I don't like watching my daughter cry because her arms hurt. I also have issues with public health nurses in general. I don't think it's the person per se. I just don't like the way they are trained. If your child doesn't fit the normal curve of where a child should be at that age as far as weight, height, and behaviour, automatically there's something wrong with your child. Not all children fit the mold that the government has set for them. Some are slower to grow and develop, some are faster. It doesn't mean that there's something wrong necessarily. In my mind, only a parent really knows what's normal and not normal for their child. I have had public health nurses tell me my son has a failure to thrive (he's the healthiest little boy I've ever met and eats more than I do) and that my daughter's skin looks like she's not getting enough vitamins (she also eats us out of house and home in every food group). I've come to the point where I ignore most of what they say, let them stick my daughter with needles and leave. What I wouldn't give for a nurse who understands that sometimes fair skin, or high metabolism runs in the family.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. To all you health care professionals out there, try asking what the norm is in the family as far as growth and development. You may find out there's really nothing to worry about after all with these kids.


Stacey said...

Oh don't even talk to me about needles. I bet I'm a bigger suck then Rowan and all her little friends combined! I have been known to "escape" the doctor's office before I actually got the needle. OK it only happened once but he kept me waiting so long that I got myself all worked up into a tizzy and booked it on out of there. hehe

They talk to me like I'm two. It's embarrassing. I must get over that fear one of these days....

P.S. Nice new "digs" around here. I like the colours.

Anonymous said...

Oh I never liked those needle days either....poking into those tiny little arms! Often first getting the baby to smile at them and then I'ld see that LOOK... that recognition of betrayal!!... and then came the screams! Glad it's over and I can pretend my grandbabies never have to go there! I guess it's good to remember that we're doing what's best for them!
The problem is that there is no preparation required for having a baby. A 12 year old can have a baby even though she knows nothing about them and in essence is still a baby herself. A mother can be plagued with addictions and be stoned while her children suffer from lack of food and attention. It is for those people that we need charts etc. It's too bad that these numbers are applied to everyone and often scare new mothers needlessly. It's also too bad that common sense does not prevail anymore and they have to rely on charts and text books.
Lately I was being admitted for a procedure and I heard the doctor say to the nurse "don't you think you should get her into a bed? She looks a little green (I was feeling VERY 'green'!). Later the nurse told me that the doctor thought I looked green, but, she said "I think it's just that you're so tanned!" That comment came after she handed me a basin "just in case"! Two rather opposite observations in the same setting. The doctor knows me, my normal colour, but the nurse does not!
Yes, mother's have a very good idea what is going on with their kids. I was told for a number of years that one of mine wasn't where she should be on the growth chart and that we needed to "keep an eye on her". There was nothing wrong with her. She was just a petite little thing with no extra fat (lucky girl!)
I think my daughters are the best mommy's in the world!