Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's a busy day in the Treleaven house...

In exactly two hours, my house will be full of little kids! I am watching my neighbor's two children today. I don't normally offer to do stuff like that, but I really like these kids so I figured, why not? I thought I would do some cooking while they're here. Here's what I'm making today...

Potatoe Bacon Soup
Mushroom and Potatoe Chowder
Beef Sukiaki
Chocolate Banana Muffins with Chocolate chips

If you would like the recipes to any of these, let me know! I kind of like putting recipes on my blog. The soups and muffins I have made before. The Sukiaki is a new thing. We're going to have it for supper tonight. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

Have a great day!


Stacey said...

Ohhhh I LOVE chocolate banana muffins!!! My friend back in Manitoba used to make those all the time and bring just one to me at work! haha I savoured every bite! Those are the BEST flavours together bar-none! Send some to me please! hahaha

Post all the recipes you want on your blog and take pictures! That porcupine recipe and pic was so great. I love seeing what it is supposed to look like.

I am especially interested in the Beef Sukiaki. That sounds great and I love asian food of any kind!

Jobina said...

That sounds REALLY busy! Have fun!