Today was report card day for Declan. After the trouble we had at his school last year, report card time makes me nervous! I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see a report card that was full of positive comments and significant improvements on the part of my son! Declan worked REALLY hard this term. He is applying himself and really trying hard to do his best at his work. His teachers are proud of his accomplishments, as are we. I just wanted to squish the stuffing right out of him! He has achieved so much this year. We are so proud!
Keep it up Declan! We love you!!!
P.S. The picture above is of Declan after he received a Christian Action award at school for demonstrating courage. He was nominated by his teacher, Mrs. Getty. It was a big accomplishment for Declan. He was a very proud boy. Only one or two kids from each class were nominated for this award.
Congratulations Declan!!!
(I love the look on his face in that picture--it says it all!) :)
It's so great when kids have a positive experience at school. I am so happy for Declan that he's getting in the groove! Way to work hard Declan!
That is an AWESOME report card Declan! You are working hard at school and accomplishing lots. Good for you. Papa and I are very proud of you.
Keep up the great work!
Love, Nana & Papa
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