I am trying to teach Rowan some simple songs. One of these being Jesus loves Me. I start by singing the whole song to her...then I let her fill in the last word of each line. Here's what Rowan did...
Me: Jesus loves me this I...
Rowan: know
Me: For the Bible tells me...
Rowan: soup
Me: Little ones to Him be...
Rowan: Ham
Me: They are weak but He is...
Rowan: strong
Me: Yes, Jesus loves...
Rowan: Me
Me: Yes, Jesus loves...
Rowan: Me
Me: Yes, Jesus loves...
Rowan: Me
Me: The Bible tells me...
Rowan: soup
Sigh...I guess we'll have to work on that one when she isn't hungry!
By the looks on their faces I think Rowan and Zac agree that she sang just fine and what's all the fuss about?
Love, Mom
I just gotta love that jumper she's wearing!
I get such a kick out of kids singing, Riker used to sing the B-I-E-I-E to me.
lol that's very cute
You can tell Rowan I like her version better. :)
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