I started thinking about this past year and the things that have happened to my family and to me. What an amazing year we have had! It's been incredible! There have been amazing highs and horrible lows but through it all, we have been so blessed!
John is still working at Safeway and that has been a real blessing. His working part time is what allows me to be able to be at the studio as often as I am. It has also allowed him to spend more time with the kids and I know that they appreciate that time. John received an inheritance this year which has allowed us to pay off all our debt, buy a minivan as well as build a home. John has said it many times and I agree - his Dad would be so proud and happy that we used the money for things we needed as well as for investing in property. It's what he would have wanted for John.
Declan is in grade two and while it's been a struggle, he's doing amazingly well. His reading is fantastic and his math is also improving! A major accomplishment for Declan this year was that he went up on stage with his class and sang songs for the Christmas concert. He also said a line on stage when his class hosted 4th advent. Declan has always been deathly afraid of performing on stage. Last year he wouldn't go on the stage at all! This was a big accomplishment and I was really proud of him for doing that. Declan loves video games, playing outside with friends, rollerblading, skateboarding, biking, soccer, basketball, and UNO!! I taught him how to play UNO this year and he loves it! He's pretty good at it too!
Rowan has changed so much this year. She talks and sings constantly! When you ask her, "Who loves you?" Her first reply is always, "JESUS!!" It's awesome and I ask her all the time just to hear her tell me the answer! Rowan can count to 15 and sing her ABC's. She's turning 3 at the end of January. Rowan loves "princess dresses" aka really fancy dresses, dolls, drawing, coloring, singing, dancing, and jokes. She has a great sense of humour and a noticable spark in her eye when she's up to no good! She's been such a joy and we love having her around.
As for me, well this has been one crazy year for me. In January I met Brad Lang, owner of LA Studio Productions and my whole world changed. With Brad's help, this is what I've done musically this year...
1. Sang O Canada for the Lethbridge Hurricanes on numerous occassions
2. Started my own album
3. Sang background vocals and/or played keyboards for Ira, Stan, Mike, Lindsay, and Carol.
4. Worked with Brian Dobbs (Engineer for Metalica) doing background vocals and keyboards for Victor Salas.
5. Performed live at the Aboriginal Awareness days this summer as well as for Aboriginal Culture Week at the Lethbridge College this fall.
6. Mentored artists like Mark Nive, and LA Confidential.
7. Written, arranged, and performed many radio commercials and jingles as well as ads for Street Machine Weekend, the Lethbridge Airshow and the Race track.
Starting this musical journey has been frustrating and wonderful all at the same time. I couldn't do it without John's support. I often have times where I would like to give up because songs aren't coming fast enough or they aren't good enough. I'm really hard on myself. I want to be the best I can possibly be and I'm never satisfied with anything I do. I've loved meeting the people that I have met. I've loved learning more about music. I've loved performing and being on stage. I love the creative process of making commercials and songs. I love hearing a final product and knowing that I had something to do with it. I can't wait to see what this coming year will bring! I'm hoping to have my own album completed this year. If that's my goal I'm going to have to really buckle down and work hard!!!
I have also gone back to work at Sunlife Financial. I love the people I work with and I really enjoy the work itself. It's challenging and fun! Days never crawl by when I'm at work.
Life has not been all roses for our family. We lost Auntie Jean this past November. The pain from that loss is still very fresh and it will take some time to get back to some kind of normal. I had surgery to remove my uterus and my cervix and I'm still healing from that. We've had many friends battling cancer this year and so our prayer list has been VERY full! I don't understand why so many young people are being hit with this horrible disease. It just doesn't seem fair.
Through it all, I keep thinking about that song we used to sing in Church.
Count your blessings, Name them one by one
Count your many blessings, See what God has done
God has providing more than I could ever ask or think this year! He fulfilled my dream of music, He provided us with a home and a second vehicle which was fast becoming a necessity for us! He has been SUCH a strong presence during times of heartache and suffering. I feel blessed beyond measure and I have no words to thank Him for what He's done for me. I can't wait to see what NEXT year will bring!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Michele at 10:15 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Continuing on...
Well, the healing from surgery is still continuing. I promise, I have not picked up Rowan (with the exception of putting her on my lap occasionally) and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm still on antibiotics for infection but they seem to be doing their job, it shouldn't be much longer.
The new house is well on the way. The roof was scheduled to be attached today but the wind is keeping that from happening. They've rescheduled for tomorrow so I'm praying for a nice calm day. We've chosen our appliances and we're meeting with the flooring store and the builder on Friday to make our final decisions for colors etc. We have signed off all the conditions on the house this week which was a big relief for John and I. It was hard to celebrate the fact that we are home owners until that was done. When I start thinking about all the things we need to buy to properly care for our new property, it makes me shudder, but I know we'll get there...we always do.
At church we're doing a sermon series that I have found really interesting. The question posed to our congregation was, "If you knew you only had 30 days to live, would it change the way you live your life? In what way?" Our challenge was to answer those questions and then figure out which of those things we would change were things that were sustainable - things we could do for an extended period of time, and which things were short term. Then the challenge was to take action on those things.
I started thinking about the recent death of my Aunt as well as friends I have recently lost. Had I known they were going to die, there are things I would have said or done differently. I don't know that the sermon series made me think so much about my own mortality. I think it made me think more about the lives of those I care about. If I knew I only had 30 days left with them, what would I do differently? In some ways an easy question to answer. I would be more patient, kind, demonstrative of my love for them. Would I say anything that I don't normally say? I don't know. I'm still thinking on that one. I think the big one for me was that I wouldn't be as judgemental. I tend to get stuck on that high horse and stay there. I would like to learn to get off that horse. It doesn't do anything positive for my relationships or for me personally.
So what about you? Would you do anything differently? If you would like to hear more about this sermon series, you can visit my church's website. The sermon series is called, "Making my life count". Enjoy!
Posted by Michele at 11:44 AM 6 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Two steps forward, one step back...
Well, here's how my first week of recovery went. I got home last Thursday. Declan starting throwing up Thursday night. Friday he was a little off but was well on the mend by Saturday. Saturday night Rowan spent the entire night puking. Sunday morning John started throwing up and by Sunday afternoon it was my turn. Yuck.
God bless my Mom who took Rowan on Monday and kept her until Wednesday to allow me to rest. I felt great by the time she dropped Rowan off on Wednesday, so much so that without hardly thinking, I scooped up my daughter as she came running into my arms and gave her hugs and kisses to welcome her home. Stupid stupid stupid.
I am absolutely not supposed to lift anything over 10 pounds for at least 6 weeks. I paid for that mistake today. I woke up and was in terrible pain. My pelvis felt like it was on fire and my insides were as raw as hamburger. I thought I was in real trouble. I called my doctor and asked to see him asap. I told him what happened and he decided to check and make sure I hadn't ripped anything.
It turns out my pain was mainly attributed to a vaginal post-op infection. Oh yay. I'm on two different types of antibiotics to try and clear this infection - 6 pills per day. Some to be taken with food, some without. It will be 36 hours before I feel any better. I'm glad that I went in, and in a way, I'm glad I lifted Rowan because if I hadn't done that, I probably would have tried to ride out the pain instead of getting it checked. At least this way we can get on top of this infection before it becomes a real problem.
On the house front, we meet with the bank on Monday to finalize our mortgage. We should have final approval from our bank's head office by Wednesday which is good because our deadline is the 15th. I drove past our new place yesterday with my Mom and low and behold, the walls are up! I can't believe how fast these guys work! The roof should be next so I'm expecting they will have our place locked up before too long.
So many things to do in the meantime and I feel like there's just not enough time for everything. I have some of my Christmas shopping done but not all of it and absolutely no energy to do it either. I haven't put up one decoration. I keep consoling myself with the notion that next year will be different. Next year I shall decorate my new home and have people to my house for dinner and everything will be wonderful...please Lord, let it be.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and kept in contact with me through this. Surgery is never fun but it has been great to talk to family and friends when I'm feeling especially gross. God bless you all this Christmas season!
Posted by Michele at 5:30 PM 6 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
On the Mend...
On Monday I went into the hospital to have a hysterectomy. I started off the day showing up at the hospital an hour late for my own surgery. I then proceeded to tell the doctors how they should do their job at which point a very nice man put a very nasty smelling mask over my face. They say that mask is to put you to sleep so you don't feel the surgery but we all know it's just to keep loud mouths like me from talking so much. In the blessed silence, my doctor proceeded to punch three holes in my abs and use those holes to remove my uterus (it's actually a little more graphic than that, but I'm trying to keep this PG rated)! It took me the rest of the day to wake up from that crazy anesthetic...I hate that feeling of wanting to wake up and not being able to. By the end of the day, I was walking around (yes, I am super patient!) and things were looking okay.
One thing that they do in the hospital when you have this type of surgery is attach you to these plastic leg warmer type things that inflate with air. These are supposed to help keep blood clots from forming in your legs. The nurses say it's like having a spa day because it massages your legs all day. *insert picture of me shaking my head* This is NOT the spa!!! Everytime that stupid machine would start inflating those leg warmers, I would jump because it always seemed to happen just when I was falling asleep. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much that first night.
I spent three days in the hospital and left on Thursday morning. My daughter has not left my side for two days and my son was so relieved to see me, he spent my first night at home puking. Ah, the joys of children! So now it's Friday night and I'm roasting a chicken while my husband takes some time away from nursing me to do some work at a job that actually pays him! Honestly, I really am trying to take care of myself and I promise, as soon as dinner's done and the kids are in bed, my feet are getting off the floor and onto the couch for some serious R&R.
Posted by Michele at 4:38 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Home...
Posted by Michele at 7:55 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
To a beautiful woman...
Posted by Michele at 6:13 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The River...
By Meredith Andrews...may it speak to you as it spoke to me.
Posted by Michele at 1:40 PM 1 comments
Posted by Michele at 12:55 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I'm still here...
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. A lot has been happening around here.
For those who don't know, my Aunt is very ill. I can't go into details as I don't have permission to do so. Just know that we are praying for a miracle or at the very least, guidance so that the family will know what to do next. Her name is Jean. If you are of a praying nature, please pray for her and her family.
Training at work is done and I am officially a customer service rep for individual life insurance at Sun Life. I love my job and the people I work with. They are a wonderful, diverse group of people and I appreciate the team spirit I feel there.
The studio has been busy. I haven't been writing as much lately (I need to start again soon!) but I'm doing a concert with Ira Provost on October 22 at the Lethbridge College. It will be great to get back on stage. I'm still doing some commercials and jingles, background vocals and the like. I wish I could spend more time there...it's really where I love to be. My day job seems to get in the way.
The family (John and kids) are doing great. School is in full swing for Declan. He really likes his teacher and has 3 guinea pigs in his class! Rowan spends the days with her Dad which has really strengthened that bond and she spends her evenings with me.
I am scheduled for a hystorectomy (I hope I spelled that correctly) in November. I've been having some issues (nothing serious) with that part of my anatomy so my doctor and I decided that since I was done with childbearing anyway, it would be best to just take it out. They're going to leave my ovaries alone which will allow me to stay away from HRT which I've heard can have some crazy side effects. I'll be off work for min 6 weeks but I will be eligible for short term disability which is good. At least the bills will be paid. I'm hoping that my Mom can come help us out a little as John will still have to work and I won't be able to do much for a while. I guess that her availability will really depend on what happens with my Aunt. So I'm praying pretty hard about that and guidance on who else to ask if my Mom can't be here.
That's all the news that's fit to print for right now. Thank you to all of you who pray for me and my family. I appreciate your prayers and they have carried us through many tough times. Please continue to pray as we wait for news of my Aunt. Please pray for strength for my Mother who is there supporting the family in this tough time and pray for direction and guidance for the family as they talk to the doctors about what direction to take treatment for my Aunt.
God bless you all...
Posted by Michele at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I took a look around my house yesterday and realized that my family has a severe problem. We keep everything!!! If we replace something old and broken, we keep the old and broken thing as well as the thing we've replaced it with. It was getting ridiculous!! So yesterday I put my foot down and made some changes. In our living room, we had an old broken TV and a new TV, an old nasty couch and a newer couch, an old TV stand and a better TV stand, so I gave away what I could (can you believe my neighbor wanted my old broken TV?) and chucked the nasty couch, and the old TV stand. I washed my carpet and the walls. I can't believe the ROOM I have now! We can actually move without bumping into things! I did the same thing to the kitchen last weekend. Next weekend I'm going to tackle the upstairs. I've decided that this will be my Saturday gig for the next little while till every room has been purged. I don't know if it's because I'm trying to simplify things before my surgery or because our house really is that bad, but it feels good to redecorate with a minimalist attitude. It seems that the kids like it too...they seem much more comfortable and today Declan said, "Mom, this is WAYYYY better than the last room!".
But today is Sunday and a day of rest...no more cleaning for me today. Today I think about my Lord and Saviour who has blessed me abundantly. He has given me more than I could ask or think...Eternal life (what a gift!!), good health, a home, children, a husband, a good job, a music career...life abundant! I am so thankful.
What did you do this weekend?
Posted by Michele at 9:17 AM 3 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Protective...good or bad?
People who know me well know that I am very protective of people that matter to me. I don't like seeing someone I care about get hurt or be taken advantage of. There have been times when I've let that protective side of me take action (most of the time it was not needed, my friends and family can take care of themselves quite well) and not always with good results.
Protectiveness (is that a word?) can be a good thing when looking out for your children. It helps keep them from things or people who could harm them. On the other hand, a little harm is what allows us to grow as human beings. I wouldn't be the person I am today had I not gone through some of the rough times I had as a child. Where do you draw the line? When is it okay to be protective and step in to help and when is it not okay? There are many schools of thought on this subject, but I can't say I've really found the answer to that question.
I have a friend who is currently going through some stuff. I feel that this friend is being taken advantage of and I would love to step in and "save the day" but at the same time, is it really my place to do so? Being outside of the situation, I feel like I can see the solution plain as day but my friend doesn't seem to see the same answer. Now, I could be (and frequently am) wrong about the answer to the problem. If I am wrong, it could ruin this person if I took any action. If I'm right, my friend's life could get much easier. So what's a person like me to do? Sit and watch and listen as my friend goes through all of this without saying anything? I'll tell you the answer I learned from a very wise lady I know (thanks Mom)...
My Mom taught me through her own actions in this area that sometimes the best thing that we can do for our friends and family when we see them going through hard times is to pray for them. We don't know all the answers since often we don't know the whole story (we only get one side). It is better to trust the One who sees and knows all than to trust our own judgement. So this is how I'm spending my weekend. Praying for my friend, and trusting that God has everything in hand and knows how to deal with the situation.
When I decided to pray for my friend, this song came to my head. I can't remember where I heard it but it suits this situation...
You know better than I
You know the way
I don't always need to know why
I'll take what answers You supply
For You know better than I
Thank you Lord that You know better than I...
Posted by Michele at 12:28 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
I made four types of soup yesterday and froze them for future use. I made Brocoli and Cheese soup, New England Clam Chowder, Hamburger Soup and Mushroom Chowder. Declan and Rowan taste tested each one and gave their approval. Today I intend to make Beef Barley soup, Split Pea soup and possibly a chicken soup of some kind.
In case you didn't know, I'm a soup maniac! I love soup! When it's cold outside, a bun and soup is the perfect meal for me. Since my kids have inherited my love for soups, (and it's a great place to hide those veggies they don't like eating), I keep my freezer well stocked with soups in the winter. Declan's favorite? Brocoli and Cheese soup. A helpful hint for others who have picky children...Declan likes the taste of veggies, he just hates the texture. When I figured out what the problem was, I started running my veggies through the puree cycle on my blender. Declan will eat any veggie I give him as long as he can't see it and can't feel pieces of it in his mouth. As such, creamed soups are awesome for him. I usually keep potatoes in chunks but any other veggie is pureed. Rowan is not a huge meat fan but she'll eat small pieces in soup.
I find most of my soup recipes on allrecipes.com. If you feel like making soup, that's a great site to start looking for recipes. I typically only try recipes that have 5 stars and I always read the comments because often someone has tried a variation that looks good to me. I've only had two soup recipes that I didn't like - one because I found out I'm not a fan of italian sausage and one was just too salty - easily remedied for next time.
So if you want to fill up your freezer with something quick and easy that you can take to work for lunch or have for supper on those nights when you can't figure out what to cook...try soup!!!
Posted by Michele at 8:08 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
One week down...six to go...
Well, one week and four exams later, I have an average of 96%. So far so good. I had 3 exams between 96% and 99% and then one that was 91% which brought my average down. Oh well, at least I'm still passing as of right now. Next week will bring it's own set of challenges I'm sure. It's been great to learn something new and really challenge myself. I have had to learn again how to let go of my perfectionist nature and let myself make mistakes. Not an easy task for me, I can assure you, but I'm learning. It's great to be part of a company that knows that mistakes are normal.
Anyway, I'm off to practise...gotta sing at church tomorrow!
Posted by Michele at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Back at Sun Life...
So I started a new "day job" journey returning to my roots at Sun Life this week. I'm starting in a new department so now I will be taking calls and handling paperwork for the Individual Life Insurance Department. I have 7 weeks of intense training in front of me. In that time, I will complete 12 assignments, 12 closed book exams (must get a 90% average and I'm only allowed 1 retake through the entire training time) and many many hours of mentoring time and case work studies. Today was the first day that I started panicking. I love the training Sun Life provides and I feel confident in their ability to teach me, I'm just not sure how confident I am in my ability to learn! We did our first two rounds of Computer Based Training (CBT's) today and I had totally forgotten how much information was in those crazy courses! I felt like my brain would explode after the first one! There are 10 more of these?!?! Aack!
On the up side, it was great to see some familiar faces again and be welcomed back by people I have missed dearly. I've also gotten to know some new faces which has been a lot of fun so far. There are a total of 7 students in my class...a big change from the 23 I had the first time I did this! There have been some changes at Sun Life and I'm looking forward to seeing some new computer systems and working with some new policies and procedures. It should be a lot of fun!
Stay tuned to find out how I'm doing with all this crazy studying ahead of me! And now...back to the books!!!
Posted by Michele at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Power Lab...
My son, Declan has been attending Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) at our church this past week. This program was designed mostly for kids who don't normally attend church or sunday school. There were well over 100 kids there this week. They did science experiments and learned songs and bible verses that talked about how God gives us the power to be thankful, to help others, to tell others about Him, to be courageous, and to live for Him. Yesterday was parent day. I had the wonderful opportunity to witness these beautiful children dance and sing praises to God. I was in tears most of the time. There is no better sight than seeing children who didn't know Jesus before the week smile and sing and move to the rhythm of God's love for them. It touched me so much. The kids were telling us all the things that God gives us power to do and after every one they would all shout, "Ah-ha!". It was so cute! Even Rowan got involved! When the scientists thought that the kids were being a little loud and needed to be still and pay attention, they would say, "ooooooooooooo" and the kids would follow by saying, "ahhhhhhhhh"! What a great idea! I may try that at home! The kids all got a T-shirt, a CD and their science experiments to take home with them at the end of the week. I love the CD! It has such great songs!
I remember attending DVBS when I was a kid. I remember it being a lot of fun and I looked forward to it every summer. If you've never sent your child to DVBS, think about it for next summer. It's inexpensive and very worth while. To the adults who invested their time to make DVBS such a success, you are truly amazing! Thank you for giving so much of yourselves to make this week so special for our children! My prayer is that the seeds you planted this week will grow strong and tall and these children will live out the lessons you taught them this week!
Posted by Michele at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sign on the dotted line...
That's right...Brad and I have finally hashed out the details of my contract and I have signed it. It feels so good to get that done and out of the way. Now I can really concentrate on actually MAKING my music! Without going into a lot of detail, I have signed on with him for the next 6 years. We are hoping to get 3 CD's made in that time. There will be concerts and tours and the hope is that a larger label will want to sign me by the time my contract with Brad is complete. I feel really good about the terms that we have agreed to and I'm looking forward to some interesting experiences and challenges in the years ahead. I'm glad we took our time getting all the details settled, it made for a better contract. It helps that I know a little more about the business now. So, I guess that you can now say I am an Indie Label Recording Artist. Sounds weird to me still, but I guess I'll get used to it.
I laid in another scratch track last night. That's 7 songs down and 5 more to write. Woo hoo! I was starting to feel pressured to finish up writing my songs but Brad, true to his calm producer type style, assurred me that there is no rush. We have set April 15, 2009 as the date we would like this album to be completed. This is a good thing as there is still so much work to do. Once all the scratch tracks are done, the hard part really starts. We then have to add drums, guitar, strings, tweak the piano and main vocal as well as lay in background vocals. Then it all has to be mixed, mastered and produced. After that there is publicity shots, posters, t-shirts, the making of the CD's, promotion packages and concert dates. When I start thinking in terms of what all needs to be done still, I start feeling slightly ill. One thing at a time...that's what I keep repeating to myself lately.
My new equipment is still on order. I'm starting to get impatient! I want my keyboard! Hopefully it won't be much longer.
That's all for now, folks! I'll keep you updated as things start to happen with the album.
Posted by Michele at 9:25 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ready for the stage...
Posted by Michele at 5:12 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My Darling Boy, Declan. I remember the day you were born. I remember holding you for the very first time. You were tiny and perfect in every way. You had beautiful long eyelashes (you still have those!) and blue eyes. You had the most precious face I had ever seen. Your Dad called you a genius that first day. He has bragged about you constantly ever since!
You have always been an empathetic person...so sensitive to the emotions of people around you. You are always willing and eager to help people who need you. You have a beautiful heart. You are a perfectionist (like your Mother!). You have a laugh that sounds like it comes from the very pit of you. I have loved watching you grow.
I remember when you asked Jesus to come and live in your heart. You prayed like it was a conversation! You said, "Jesus, would you please forgive my sin and come live in my heart? You will?! Ok. " I couldn't help but smile. Your prayers are awesome! I love listening to you talk to Jesus! When you read your Bible, I am filled with pride and joy in knowing that Jesus is with you and helping you to grow a little more like Him every day.
You are the most coordinated kid I have ever met! Riding a bike...rollerblading...these things came so easy for you, I could almost believe that you were born with those abilities! You have such a talent for sports...music (you have a great ear)...reading...I am constantly amazed by your talents! I am so proud of what you've achieved!
I prayed a long time ago that God would show me what my first child would look like. He showed me a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes and I know now that He was showing me a picture of you! God chose you to be a part of this family long before you were ever created. He knew that one day I would get pregnant and that the baby I carried would be that blonde haired, blue eyed boy of my dreams. I thank God every day for the wonder that is you!
I love you, Declan, but even more than that, I really really like you! You are a great person to hang out with and talk to. I love to hear what goes on in that head of yours!
Today you turned 8 years old. It's hard to believe that much time has passed already. At the same time, it feels like you've been here forever! Every year I find out more about you and every year I see a little more how blessed I am to be your Mom.
Happy Birthday Declan! May you grow a little taller, a little wiser, and a little closer to Jesus every day. God bless you, Sunshine!!!
Love, Mom.
Posted by Michele at 10:42 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
My parents (who seem to have way more energy than me) took my children again this past weekend. I tell you, I am one spoiled daughter!! John took the weekend off and so we had some relaxation time. We went to a local spa, had side by side massages, I got a pedicure and John got a facial. We spent three hours there and had a fantastic time! What a great way to spend a day! I sang one of my new songs at church on Sunday and got really good feedback from it. Then my precious little ones came back home. As much as I love this time away from them to recharge my batteries, I'm always thrilled when they come home with big smiles and big hugs for me!
Posted by Michele at 7:54 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
New look....
Some of you have already noticed the new look. This is just one of a few that I'll be trying out in the next little while. If you'll notice on the top right hand side of the screen, there's an address where you too can go and check out some cool new looks if you're so inclined. There was a lot of neat stuff on that site that you can use to spruce up your blog page. Being that music is such a huge part of my life at the moment, I thought this suited me well. We'll see if I keep it!
Posted by Michele at 11:13 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My Aunt Stace tagged me, my sister and my Mom to tell six unimportant things about ourselves so here goes nothing...
1. I am really shy. You'd never know if for how loud I am, but I get really scared talking to people I don't know and I seem to have forgotten the art of starting a conversation. Lucky for me I took a lot of drama in high school and college so I can fake my way through if I have to.
2. I'm terribly afraid of heights. I can't watch someone lean over a railing because it makes me want to throw up. Sad....really really sad...
3. My brain doesn't start working until I have a shower in the morning. You'd think my brain was mush if you tried to talk to me before I've had a shower. I love my morning shower...it clears the fog from my head. I can't go one morning without a shower. I know people who can shower every other day, I am not one of those people.
4. I don't like the sound of my own voice. I hate the way I talk, the way I sing...it just gives me a greebly feeling to listen to myself, so I don't. Other people seem to like my voice, so I'll keep singing, but it's not my favorite voice to listen to!
5. My favorite food is french fries from Wendy's dipped in a chocolate frosty. Yes, I know, it's weird.
6. I can't sleep with blankets over my feet. The rest of me is totally wrapped in blankets, but my feet will be sticking out every time. Otherwise they just get too hot and then I can't sleep.
There you go...things you probably didn't want to know about me, but now you do anyway. :p
Mark and Jay, consider yourselves tagged!!!
Posted by Michele at 8:20 PM 5 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
P.S. I love you...
My wonderful, energetic parents have taken my children. It all started when I got a call on Monday night from my Mom who promptly informed me that she wanted to whisk my little ones away for a few days. I told her I would gift wrap them for her! On Wednesday afternoon, my children were packed in her car and taken away. Today is Friday and though I miss my kids, I'm so happy I had this time away from them. John and I had our 7th wedding anniversary Wednesday night. We've eaten out every night since the kids left. We talk alot, we sleep alot! It's been great. Tonight John had to work so I did what any wife with no kids in the house would do. I went shopping, bought a great top, got some vietnamese food to go, and rented an awesome movie.
For those of you who've never seen P.S. I love you...run to the nearest video store and pick it up! There are times when you will laugh until vietnamese noodles come out your nose...there are other times when your heart will break and you'll cry while you squeeze the life out of your cat. The movie is about a young woman who's huband dies of a brain tumour. Before he dies, he writes her letters with instructions of things she must do. He ends every letter with P.S. I love you. This story is her journey through those letters. It's beautiful, heart wrenching, hilarious, and lovely. I will be buying this movie the next time I get to a store!
So if you ever find yourself alone with nothing to do...follow my lead! Go shopping, get some take out, and rent a great movie. I know I enjoyed myself!
Posted by Michele at 8:53 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries...
Today is a double great day. It's my Mom's birthday and my Parent's wedding anniversary. My Mom is one lady who has aged gracefully. Like fine wine...she just gets better every year! I think she's more beautiful now than when she was younger. I think she's wiser than she was as well. Could it be I think these things because I'm older? Yes, that could be. Every kid goes through that stage where they are convinced their parents know nothing. As you get older you realize your parents know what they're talking about and you should listen!
My parents have a wonderful marriage. I have been blessed to be able to watch them be the mushy, lovey dovey, so cute it almost makes you sick kind of couple. Yes, they really do chase each other around the house like a couple of honeymooners...my friends thought that was odd. I just thought it was normal. I was surprised to find out other married couples didn't act like my parents. It wasn't a strange event to walk in the door after school to find Mom and Dad smooching it up in the kitchen. I would always say, "ewwww! stop that!!!" but what I meant was "MORE!!! I LOVE IT!!!". It was great to have parents who truly loved each other and were never afraid to show it! They are a beautiful pair and I am one lucky daughter to have them.
So happy birthday Mom!!! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!! I hope you have a day that's even better than you could dream of cause you deserve the very best! I love you both!!!
Posted by Michele at 6:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Is it really the end of June?!?!
I have had a crazy couple of weeks! I had the opportunity to perform live with Ira for Aboriginal Day here in Lethbridge (thanks for watching my kids for me, Mom...I couldn't have performed if you hadn't been here!). I was able to spend an evening coaching a group of local teens in stage performance, vocals and keyboards. They performed for the STARS benefit this afternoon and did a great job! I've been writing like crazy trying to finish up the songs for my album. In the meantime Declan has completed grade one near the top of his class and Rowan is still busy being the "royal" of the house! I'm working full time for an architect in town and John has gone down to part time with Safeway. It's a loooong story. I don't think I'll get into it. At any rate, I'm basically busy from 7am - 1am between work, studio time, practise, and kids. At some point, John and I really need to take a break, I just don't know when that will happen. I'm praying for a free weekend in July to whisk him away for a little couple time. Hopefully that will hold us for a little while.
Gotta run...more to do! Have a great week everyone!
Posted by Michele at 3:08 PM 4 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day...
I love Father's Day. I love doing something totally unexpected for my husband to show him how much I appreciate his role in our children's lives. This Father's Day was a little weird for me. I was working for most of it, practising for the upcoming concert. So a lot of the things I would normally do on Father's Day, like call my Dad (I'm sorry Dad, I love you! There's a card waiting for you when you get home) didn't happen. I did get to do a few things though...
I made brunch for my husband...his favorite. French toast, bacon, and a tray of cut up fresh fruit. We gave him gifts...Declan bought him a lava lamp (he's always wanted one), Rowan got him a Celtic Football shirt, and I got him the best of John Cleese's Monty Python on DVD. He said later that it was the best Father's Day ever. I'm glad I could do that for him. I was sad not to be able to spend the whole day with him, but he was very understanding about my practise time. I went to a larger studio with all the musicians that will be playing in the concert and we practised like mad things until we were sure we had our songs down pat.
Fathers are amazing to me. I'm convinced there is no one in the world with the energy of my Dad. He always made time to do things with us (even when he should have been sleeping or studying or something). We went ice skating, tobaganing, walking, we played frisbee, baseball, we chased eachother around the house (I can only remember two houses out of the many we've lived in that didn't have some sort of "racetrack"). In the summer Dad would take us to St.Vital park and make us run through the exercise track there...you had to climb things, swing on ropes, balance on logs, it was a lot of fun. We'd make him do the tough stuff like chin ups! Dad is always up for a moterbike ride or just sitting and chatting about whatever. He used to sit in the kitchen when we came home from school and talk with us until supper time and beyond. He taught us how we should be treated by the men in our lives and encouraged us to think for ourselves and learn from our mistakes. I can't imagine how hard it was for him to watch us when we went in the wrong direction...I do know he spent a lot of time praying for us and it shows in the women my sister and I have turned into. Dad, I love you!!!
Posted by Michele at 8:30 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
The excitement builds...
I did all the background vocals (with the exception of two songs) and all keyboard work. I love this album. It has a great sound (sort of blue rodeo with a Native influence) and a wonderful story. The artwork on the cover of the album was created by Ira's daughter, Miracle. She used makeup as her medium! It's a beautiful picture of Chief Mountain.
We will be performing 5 songs from the album on June 21 at Galt Gardens in Lethbridge for Aboriginal Day. This is really exciting as many of us worked on this album, but most of us have never met! We had our first practise session last night which went really well. We have two more before the concert. Hopefully we have good weather as the concert is outside!
If you're interested in hearing some bits of what's on the album, or if you're interested in buying one, click on Ira's name at the beginning of this post. It will take you to my producer's site where there are links to listen to parts of the songs. There is also contact information if you would like to purchase a copy.
So check it out! Sit back and enjoy some easy listening music. I know I will be!
Posted by Michele at 11:27 AM 6 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
News from the homefront...
Greetings All! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been crazy busy here. I just finished the final touches on an album for a man by the name of Ira Provost. It should be ready to be distributed by Monday. I did background vocals on all but one song and keyboard work on some of the songs. The album is a collection of educational songs and stories about the Blackfoot Nation. It is a wonderful tribute to their heritage. I'll have more details on how to listen to a sample of the disc and possibly buy one if you're so inclined in a future post.
I am also working on commercial voice overs and jingles. I have now done 8 radio voice overs and am currently working on two radio jingles. It's challenging work but thanks to the wonder of technology, I can do most of the work right on my computer. That makes things much easier for me.
Declan has now lost two teeth in total and his face looks totally different! He's in the final month of school which is always hard because the weather is so nice. Lucky for him that the school has planned three field trips this month...all outside water type activities so that should help break up his days.
Rowan is your standard two year old who is full of laughter, mischief, and defiance. She's learning her boundaries which is always tough. She loves swinging on the swingset in the park and sliding down the slide with no help. Her favorite snack is marshmallows and she can always be bribed with chocolate chips....no...she's not like her mother at all! ;)
John has decided not to go for management training at Safeway. Taking that step would mean moving to Calgary in January and that's just not something we want to do. Instead, he is taking a pay cut and limiting his hours. I will be taking a part time job as well as working at the studio with other artists, commercials, and my own album. This means that John and I won't see eachother as much as we used to...but on the upside, we both feel at peace with our decision to stay. Declan is in a great school and we like this town. We don't want to mess with that right now.
So that's all the news that's fit to print. Look for more updates soon!
Posted by Michele at 1:07 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I love my husband...
I can't really say anything for a couple of weeks yet but I wanted to let you all know that John and I have passed that T-intersection we were in. We considered all the possibilities and came up with a solution that gives us both a feeling of total peace.
I am beyond moved at the love and encouragement John gives me. He is so aware of the needs of his family and wants whatever is best for everyone involved. There was such a spirit of cooperation through all of this and I know it's because our friends and family have been praying for us. Thank you! I know that there will be more challenges, but we will get through them.
That's all for now...think I'm going to go hug my hubby!
Posted by Michele at 8:43 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Last night for the first time in many many nights...I actually slept. I slept through the night and then had a nap this morning while Rowan was playing! It's amazing how a lack of sleep can disturb the way you think, how you feel about things, and the way you react to people and situations. I was having a really hard time processing everything that was going on around me! Now I understand why, when something really stressful happens like a death or something, doctors will often prescribe sleeping pills. If you don't sleep, you can't process everything that's going on. You're more prepared to handle things if you've slept for a decent length of time.
I still haven't totally caught up on my sleep, but last night was a great start! To all who have been praying for me...thank you! I've still got a lot on my plate, but I'm better prepared to handle it now.
Think I'll take another nap...
Posted by Michele at 11:20 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Prayer is a hard thing for me these days. I have so much going on in my head, I have even more going on physically. I feel like I have no words to pray. I just ache and turn my eyes to God. I am so thankful that I have a God who listens to my heart, not just my words. Sometimes our best prayers are the groanings that make no sense to the human ear, they are the most truthful.
There's nothing I want to talk about, I don't want to unload on anyone right now. Sometimes we just have to work out these dark days with God and no one else. So on that note, even though I don't want to talk about it, please remember me in your prayers as I try and dig myself out of this hole I'm currently in. It seems pretty steep but I have faith that God and I can work it out.
Posted by Michele at 10:48 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Still at the intersection...
Just to update you. John and I are still working on our future. I think we've pretty much decided that we would like to stay put for a while longer. The question now becomes whether or not John's work will allow that to happen without him taking a demotion. John is working on this now. For specific prayer, please pray for the people who make the decisions to move staff, that they will be led to do what God wants for us. I really believe that this is one of Satan's ways of keeping this album from being completed. Please pray that this album will continue on and that God will be glorified through it. Thanks everyone!
Posted by Michele at 8:26 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We have come to a T-intersection...
There are some questions up in the air with regard to John's work vs my recording an album. We have a lot of praying and even more talking to do. This is a critical time as this will define what our future will look like. If you have a praying heart, please remember our family. We are all trying to do what's best for eachother but in doing that, someone has to give a little. Please pray that we are discerning and that we find a solution that everyone can live with and not feel cheated. We don't want any bad feelings. More info when I know more...
Posted by Michele at 10:58 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A radio personality is born...
Well it's official. Saturn of Lethbridge has approved the commercial I spoke in and it will go to air on Monday. Speaking in commercials is tough. I now know why people go to school for this. It's very easy to sound choppy and you really have to work to give a commercial the right tone. Really good voices can make hundreds of dollars per commercial...I'm merely a pathetic beginner so I made around $30. On the upside, it's a great experience and one I would like to do again and again! Learning what to do with your voice can help not only for speaking parts, but for singing as well. I think the thing I liked best was the way a producer can just click a few things on the computer and make a voice that's low and nasal (yes, that's my view of my own voice) into something higher, lighter, and not nasal at all. The wonder of technology! It can make anyone sound great! So, if you're in Lethbridge, listen to the radio...you just may here a commercial for the Saturn Astra with my voice on it!
Posted by Michele at 8:48 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Manitoba and Mother's Day...
I just came back from a whirlwind trip to Manitoba. I spent four days away from my kids and husband so that I could spend some time with my extended family. What fun! Since my trip was so close to Mother's Day, I started watching the females in my family in their roles as "Mom".
My sister, Jobina is the kind of Mom I would like to be. She's patient, she encourages her kids to be creative, and she makes it possible for them to grow spiritually as well. I watched her make a space suit out of an old paper bag for her daughter, I heard her sing church choruses with them at night, and I witnesses two children who adore her and love the attention she gives them. She's fair and firm with them. She disciplines when needed and makes sure they understand why she's disciplining them. She has two incredible little people there who are well rounded and really interesting to be around!
My Mom was also there. Jobina and I took her out for lunch for early Mother's Day. We had a great time eating, talking, laughing, and shopping together. What a great day! My Mom has a great relationship with both her daughters. How did she do it? LOTS of patience, and perserverence! I think I can speak for Jobina when I say we were not always the easiest kids to raise. We often pushed her away, and she just kept coming back! Now I can't imagine life without her! She's always around to talk to about anything, she spends oodles of time with the grandkids and loves each one like they are her own kids. She has tons of good advice to give but never pushes it on us. She has found that balance between being "Mom" and being "friend". My life would be very empty if she wasn't in it.
I also got a chance to see some of my cousins in their roles as Mom. My cousin Maida is an incredible Mom with 4 kids. She's a happy, vivacious woman who doesn't look nearly old enough to have the kids that she has. Two of her kids are entering the teen years, which are never easy. Maida really works on her relationship with these two. They spend special time together so that she can reinforce the bond she has with them as they start becoming more independent. This helps her children know that they can come to her with anything. They are great kids and she is truly a great Mom.
My cousin Rachelle has two kids, the last being only 5 weeks old. As busy as she is with that baby, her older child never feels left out. He is a well rounded little toddler who is affectionate and loving to all. Rachelle works hard to make sure her children get the attention they need. She's great at providing the boundaries that will help her children know what's right and wrong in a way that doesn't compromise their self esteem. She's a pleasant lady with a great laugh and even though she's got so much going on, she's always easy to talk to.
There are lots of people I have left out...but know that I think of you too! I have been blessed to have many amazing role models in my life. I take what I see other Mom's do and I try and apply that to my own life with my kids. Motherhood is wonderful, scary, frustrating, awesome, and intense. Were it not for the fact that I have a wonderful Heavenly Father to lean on when things are tough, I don't know if I could do it. Would I trade it? Not in a million years!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Posted by Michele at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Good friends and neighbors...
I have this neighbor. Her name is Olive (but she doesn't want to be called that...call her Ollie). Ollie, her husband and two kids live just a few doors down from me. Ollie has become a great friend. I take her kids to church with me (I think that's almost more fun for me than it is for the kids!) and we take turns babysitting when the need arises. Today we started a blog for Ollie and wouldn't you know that crazy Nova Scotian wrote about me! It was a beautiful post and I felt honored to read it! If you feel like checking it out, click on her name above and the link should take you there. Thanks Ollie!!
Posted by Michele at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Commercial Jingles...
Last night I had the pleasure of trying something new. I did speaking parts and singing parts for radio commercials. I also co-wrote a jingle for a local company. The time it took was really nothing considering how many we did, and the money was great! More importantly, that was a TON of FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got to Brad's at 9pm and we worked until 1am. We did 7 speaking spots, 1 jingle from creation to completion, and even managed to lay piano tracks for two of my songs and vocals for one. I came home energized, excited, and full of things to talk about! Poor John had to listen to me tell him every detail for nearly an hour!
6 months ago if you had told me this is what I would be doing with my life, I would have laughed in your face. I didn't think I was good enough vocally, or musically to do this type of work. I have found out that I was wrong. God put this in my life at the perfect moment. With these new relationships and challenges, I have found confidence and a belief that I can do anything I set my mind to do. Music has always had a huge role in defining who I am. Now that is more true than ever with God playing the part of conductor.
I should also tell you a bit of a story...John had an issue with his paychecks this month and we were worried that things were going to be really tight. The DAY we found out about his checks, Brad called to offer me this work. The money I made was more than double what we were short. THAT, people, is how God works!!! Praise the Lord for His love for His children and His willingness to provide for us. We are a blessed people!!!
Posted by Michele at 9:29 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Rowan Singing...
I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. So...
INTRODUCING...a Rowan Treleaven rendition of....Jesus loves me!!!
Posted by Michele at 10:29 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
What's new in the house...
Posted by Michele at 9:09 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Pics from Victory Church Concert
Hey everybody! I finally got some pictures from the concert at Victory Church.
I was the last performer on but my pictures come first!
This is Josh. He was one of the other performers and a wicked guitar player! Playing Uno inbetween sets...
Posted by Michele at 12:26 PM 5 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Producers and other musical things...
You all know that I'm in the midst of making my own album. What some of you don't know is how this all came to be and who I'm working with. Well, here's your chance to see a little of what I do. I work for a company called LA Production Studio. The owner is a fellow Winnipeger called Brad Lang. Brad is an awesome producer. He's been in the business almost as long as I've been alive and it shows.
Brad and I started working together because of a song that I was recording for my Aunt, Stacey. He heard me play piano and asked if I would start doing some studio work for some other artists that were recording with him. I said yes. While I was helping with these artists, the topic of doing my own album came up. Again I said yes.
Let me stop at this point and say that this was the most frightening thing I had ever agreed to do. I am such a perfectionist and I constantly worry that my songs won't be good enough, that people won't like what they hear, etc. Well, this week I started to panic. I was doubting everything I was doing and I didn't know how to articulate my insecurities to Brad. So I chickened out and emailed him. True to his professional form, Brad called me the minute he had read the email and proceeded to talk with me for a good hour. We talked about the mechanics of song writing...what makes a great song...his feelings about the project...my feelings about the project, etc. It was a great conversation. I felt totally energized afterward and ready to start writing again. This is what producers do, people. They are your protector from people who are out to exploit you, they are your encouragement when you're doubting yourself, they push you to do bigger and better things, they don't let you slack off. That's all on top of actually producing the music that you write! He spends a lot of time caring for his artists and I for one appreciate the effort he puts into each and every one of our projects. Now I know why the producers are usually in the top 5 people thanked at award shows. They deserve it!
The other people who deserve huge thanks when making an album is family. My husband, John is a huge support to me and is always around to stay with the kids while I'm off recording for hours on end. He has banished himself upstairs many nights so that I have the downstairs free from distractions to write after the kids go to bed. He cheers me on, listens to my ranting when I'm frustrated, and, from what I hear, he brags to anyone who will listen! My kids have put up with me rushing away for recording and missing bath times and bed time stories. When they hear one of my songs they yell to all their friends, "That's my MOM!!". It makes me proud. My parents and my sister listen to all my songs before they're ever recorded and endure hours of listening to me talk about my experiences. They give great feedback and have lots of ideas to make things better. I couldn't do without their input, even though I know it's a little bias!
So many people are helping me make this dream a reality...and really, it's only just beginning! We have just layed the scratch track (1st edition) of my first song. We are going to send it off to a bass player, lead guitar and drummer to add their talents to it. I have one more song ready to go but I'm not going to record anymore until I have 4 or more songs ready. That way we can send a bunch to the other musicians and really start working on some of this stuff.
So that's where I'm at. Here are some pics of the studio that I work in...just in case you wanted to see where all the magic happens!
Above is the music room. This is where all the instruments are kept and where all instrumental recording happens. Usually I end up singing in this room as well. This room has changed a little. In the picture, the guitars are where the piano now sits. The drums are digital now which is great for late night sessions and the guitars are now on the opposite wall with a bunch of pedals and stuff that makes no sense to me because I don't play guitar! Usually it's a lot darker in there with candles lit. It makes for a very relaxing work environment.
This is the room where we listen to the things we have recorded. The person taking the picture is sitting on the couch where I typically sit and listen to my scratch tracks and talk about upcoming projects. The little window that you see is a sound booth where vocals can be recorded. It's the size of a very small closet. Not good for a clausterphobic like me which is why I usually sit in the instrument room. There's a lot more equipment in this room that was cut off in the picture.
This is another picture of the instrument room. Where you see a keyboard on the top right is where the bass player now goes. Again there are a bunch of pedals and things they can plug into that make no sense to me. The monitor that you see on the left helps me see Brad while I'm recording. He has cameras in every room so that we can see each other while we play. The window with the blue light in the top left is another sound booth for vocal work.
So that's where I work, people! Hope you liked the tour! If you need a commercial done for something or you're thinking of recording some music, visit Brad's site which is highlighted in the first paragraph of this mamoth post.
Posted by Michele at 10:46 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I Will Never Be The Same Again...
My sister and I were talking about some of the songs that I did at Victory Church recently and this was one she hadn't heard. I thought I would post it in case any one else was in the same boat. I love the words to this song because they are so true! When I finally stood up and said that I was going to follow Christ, I was no longer the same person. The old had passed away and the new me was born! My favorite part is "...whatever You need to do Lord do in me, the glory of God fills my life and I will NEVER be the same again..." Thank you Jesus that I will never again be that person I was. I am so grateful!
For those of you that want them, here are the words...
I will never be the same again
I can never return, I've closed that door
I will walk the path, I'll run the race
And I will never be the same again
Fall like fire, soak like rain
Flow like mighty waters again and again
Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff
And let a flame burn to glorify Your name
There are higher heights, there are deeper seas
Whatever You need to do Lord do in me
The glory of God fills my life
And I will never be the same again
Fall like fire, soak like rain
Flow like mighty waters again and again
Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff
And let a flame burn to glorify Your name
Posted by Michele at 12:10 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
1 bag, 5 meals...the website of my dreams...
That's right people...thanks to my sister who is always on the look out for great recipes that are cheap, I have found a new favorite place to go get meals to cook.
1 bag, 5 meals is from www.kraftcanada.ca and is a fantastic resource if you have a family like mine. I find that their recipes easily feed all four of us and usually there are no leftovers. This is a good thing in that I don't have to worry about using up anything later. For five meals I bought two types of meat totalling $20, as well as a few other odds and ends. The grocery list was really short and the recipes used similar ingredients so that you could split things up and use them for more than one recipe. There is also a pizza night which is great at my house because my kids love pizza!
I have made two recipes so far. Crispy Chicken with Pesto and Mozzarella Cheese as well as BBQ meatball sandwiches on panini buns. Both recipes were huge hits at my house. Serve with a simple salad and you're all done! Prep time is less than 10 minutes and baking time depends on what you're making. It's usually a "one pan wonder" which is great for me as I have no dishwasher right now. These recipes are really easy to make ahead of time and stick in the freezer. Then you could put them from freezer to oven and cook them whenever you want without having to prep anything at all!
So if you're bored and want to try something new, try out 1bag, 5 recipes. You won't be sorry!
Posted by Michele at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
A trip down concert lane....
I did my first concert set last night at Victory Christian Fellowship for the college and career group. There were three of us each doing a 40 minute set. The two guitarists who came were amazing! They did a lot of cover songs from different bands and one guy even did a song he wrote that day. It was fabulous! I didn't know that cover songs were the order of the day so I did some of my own stuff and some praise and worship music. The feedback was great and I've been invited back in the fall. If my album is completed by then, the college and career have offered to sell it at the next concert. The venue was a coffee bar type atmosphere. Candle light and accoustic sound. It was a great place to play. They had a professional sound guy come out and he made us all sound terrific. My Mom came out to babysit the kids for me (thanks again Mom, I couldn't have done this without you!!) which gave me the freedom to concentrate on music rather than the kids. I was paid with vietnamese food which is always a great way to pay me! We had salad rolls and this dish with noodles, veggies, charbroiled pork and cut up spring rolls - yummy! Sorry I don't have any pictures yet to post here, but I will as soon as they're sent to me.
Posted by Michele at 9:21 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Comedy Spot...
I saw this youtube video of a Christian Comedienne by the name of Kerri Pomerolli. I laughed all the way through. If you need to have a laugh today, here's your chance. Enjoy!
Posted by Michele at 11:52 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Hockey and singing....
The games are over. May I just say, that was the most awesome experience I have ever had!!!!! There were just over 4000 people at each game. The noise was deafening. They introduced me as LA Production Studios Recording Artist, Michele Renee. Ha! Everyone sang along to O Canada until the last line. Then they started cheering. The cheering was so loud, I could barely hear myself sing! It took me three hours to get my face to stop blushing when I was done! I have realized (I kinda knew this already) that I am absolutely an attention junkie - I loved it! The stage is where I love to be and the more people that are watching, the better! This confirmed for me that writing my album is what I'm supposed to be doing. I felt totally comfortable singing in front of everyone. If I had been a total nervous wreck, I would probably be more hesitant to create my own music. Here's to more opportunities like this to get my name out there so that when the album comes out, people will want to buy it!
Posted by Michele at 8:57 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Auditions are done...
You are now reading about the latest O Canada singer for the Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Team. Yay!!!! I start tonight and sing for the rest of the season which means today and tomorrow. Hopefully next year there will be more opportunities to sing. Here's the funny part, the announcer can't pronounce my last name so they had to make up a new name for me. If you're at the game, my name is Michele Renee. It makes me laugh, but whatever. They wanted me to think up a new last name on the spot and I couldn't think of one, so this is what we came up with. Oh well. Maybe by next season I can teach the announcer how to say my name!
Posted by Michele at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Sick and tired...
Well fellow bloggers...I have been one sick puppy the last little while. To top it all off, I'm supposed to be auditioning to sing O Canada for the Lethbridge Hurricanes tomorrow. Yuck. So, I slept like the living dead for most of the afternoon (thanks to Rowan for taking an extra long nap today) and I'm drinking a ton of orange juice. Here's hoping that does the trick! If I pass the audition tomorrow, I'll be singing for all the playoff games. Don't get too excited, there's only two games left! Here's hoping everything goes well. I'll keep you all posted...
Posted by Michele at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Champion
This is by far my favorite Carman song. I love how this group acted it out. The first time I saw a group act out this song, I was at a youth conference at CBC in Regina. I was moved to tears. At the end of the song, the whole audience jumped up and shouted the last words...
Proclaim the news in every tongue
Through endless ages and beyond
Let every voice from mountains loud and strong
Captivity has been set free
Salvation bought for you and me
'Cause Satan is defeated
And JESUS IS THE CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Michele at 8:45 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Music and Dance
I love music and I love dance. If it were possible to have both in the churches and organizations I have been involved with in my life, I would have been in the thick of it! As it is, I have had to mostly live those dreams through the visions of others. If I could have been involved in any kind of choir growing up, this is the kind I would have loved to be in!
Posted by Michele at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Spring Break...
Declan has been home all week for spring break. I'm sure I can speak for other Mothers when I say that it may be a break for the kids, but it sure isn't a break for the parents! Thank goodness for Nana and Papa who came and took Declan away from Sunday night until Tuesday! So far, Declan has gone to his Grandparents, swimming with friends, bike riding, had a nintendo challenge with some buddies, and eaten me out of house and home. It has been nice having him at home and being able to sleep in a little later in the morning, but honestly, I'm ready for him to go back to school!
I have trouble thinking of new things to do with the kids. There isn't that much that you can do here in Lethbridge that doesn't cost something. Trips to the park are always good (weather permitting) and the library sometimes has things that the kids can do, but other than that, I haven't found a lot for this time of year. In the summer, there's lots. The YMCA hosts a kids club right outside our house all summer long. It goes from 9-5 Monday to Friday and the kids really enjoy it! They play games, do crafts, learn songs, etc. It keeps them busy and they can come and go as they please which is also nice. It's also free! Yay! That will be the one thing I miss about living here, the park and the activities available to Declan in the summer. Ah well, I guess that means I'll have to be a little more creative when that time comes.
Here's to Monday and school being back in session!
Posted by Michele at 6:16 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Jobina!!!
Today is my sister Jobina's birthday. Normally I don't announce people's birthdays, but somehow this time I felt like I should. Jobina is two years younger than me. When we were kids, I felt like we couldn't be more opposite. She was very girly. She loved to play with dolls (still does, only now she has a partner in crime, her daughter, Trinity!), she loved to dress up in fancy princess type clothes. I felt like she was so tiny in comparison to me and I was extremely protective of her. Now, that's not to say that I didn't fight with her, oh yes, we fought. But no one else better lay a hand on her or I would come running!
My favorite memories of Jobina are:
1. Taking a tape recorder and recording ourselves singing the latest commercials from the TV.
2. Making waffles and fruit and feeding our kids breakfast at my house.
3. Watching her sleep when she was little and being amazed how soft her hands were when she slept.
4. Listening to her sing praise and worship songs to her children before she tucks them in for the night.
5. Talking on the phone until our batteries died and we HAD to hang up!
6. Having Jobina in town when I moved to Lethbridge. I was totally sick with the flu and she drove with me in the moving truck to Lethbridge so I wouldn't be alone with my bucket!
My sister is incredibly patient, kind, the best bargain shopper I have ever met and a wonderful encouragement to me. I thank God every day that we have such a great releationship. I never thought it would happen. I look forward to every phone call and email that comes from her. My life would not be the same without her in it.
Happy Birthday Jobina! I hope you have a fantastic day with your kids and your husband! You deserve every good thing that happens to you. I only wish I was there to help you celebrate!
Posted by Michele at 11:55 AM 2 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
What age are you anyway?!?!
The other day Declan and his friend Eric were sitting down to eat with John, Rowan and myself. We got on the topic of age and Declan says to John..."what age are you anyway? 61? 50?" I couldn't help but laugh. John is 43...tee hee... I asked Declan how old he thought I was and he said, "33"...yep, that's how old I am. I just wish I could teach him to say that I'm only 29...
I bug John alot about his age. So much in fact that I felt it only fair to ask him if I could tell all you bloggers about this little conversation before I posted it. I didn't want him to be upset. He consented so here I go.
John works crazy hours. He's also an insomniac. Because of this and other pressures that he feels, he has times where he looks and acts older than he is. I think this is something that happens to all of us at some point or another. It's interesting how outside pressure can put age on a person. I'm sure all of us at some point have seen a person and thought, they have lived a lot of life in their years, just by looking at their face. Then the question becomes, what makes a person stay young looking? It can be genetic to a point, but there's more to it than that. Habits are definately a factor. We all know smoking, drinking alcohol, not consuming enough water can age us. But what else keeps us young? So here's your question for the day...
What keeps you young?
Posted by Michele at 8:52 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My little man, Declan...
Posted by Michele at 12:01 AM 6 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Jesus loves me (Rowan style)
Posted by Michele at 8:12 PM 4 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The making of an album...
That's right all you bloggers out there...I am officially making an album. The producer I work with offered me a contract and as such, I am crazy busy trying to write songs whenever Declan is out playing and Rowan is down for a nap! I'm amazed at how quickly some songs come. Sometimes all it takes is a sentence or a feeling to get me writing.
The songs that will be on the album are things I have written on my own. As most of you know, my Aunt Stace and I have written some songs together and I really prayed about putting them on the album. I feel like God is leading me in a different direction and so I'm going solo on this one. I would eventually like to incorporate some of those songs on an album because they are beautiful songs....just not for this album.
I start recording on Wednesday of this week. I'm working with a secular producer which is going to bring some challenges to the mix. My prayer is that God will place a wall of angels around me and this project. I know that satan is going to try his level best to mess things up. I also know that this whole experience is directed by God and He will decide how this all ends up. So if you are of a praying nature, please pray for me and my family during this process. We need protection from the barbs that satan will throw in an attempt to push me off course.
I will continue to blog about my progress on this from time to time. Stay tuned!
Posted by Michele at 2:58 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A wonderful visit...
I went to Medicine Hat yesterday to sing at Christian Women's Club. My Mom came and picked me up in the morning so that John could have our car (he was home with our kids). We had a great ride to Medicine Hat, had lunch at a really cool little place called "The Prickly Pear" and went shopping. After shopping we went to see my friend Julie who used some hair extensions I had bought and did a fantastic job on my hair. My Dad said it was like being in a time warp seeing me with long hair - he hadn't seen that since I was in grade 3! Then we got all dolled up and went to Christian Women's Club. I sang "Anyway" by Martina McBride and "Let my lifesong sing" by Casting Crowns. It was great! Everyone liked it even though I lost my breath part way through the Martina McBride song (That girl has some lungs!!!). They were even asking when my album would be finished so they could buy one! Very cool! A wonderful lady called Elaine (not my Mom) spoke and moved the entire crowd with her story. We went out for coffee at Tim Horton's where I sang the Cherry Pepsi commercial from 1981 for all my Mom's friends (long story there) and then went home. I got to sleep in a giant bed all by myself - it was heaven. Today Mom and I went to Bible Study together, then out for lunch at the "Zucchini Blossom" which is a fabulous little place with the best Panini, soup and Italian Soda I have ever had! Then we packed up and my wonderful Mom took me home.
This was the first time I had been completely alone with my Parents in years! Usually there are kids running around or husband in tow. It's a totally different experience when it's just me. I felt spoiled rotten, completely loved, utterly cared for, and totally welcome! It was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. It reminded me how blessed I am to have my Parents. They have my back. They support me, they are fierce in their loyalty to me, they love me and are proud of me. They want the best for me and pray for me daily. They are wonderful examples of God at work. They share their spiritual growth with me that I may grow as well. They celebrate when I succeed and they are the first ones on their knees praying for me when I'm falling. They won't pick up the pieces for me, but they'll be my best cheering section when I'm working to pick myself up. I LOVE MY PARENTS!!!!!!
Today in bible study we were talking about God's faithfulness and how He shows that to us. I was thinking about how even when I travel the wrong road, God decides where that road ends up and what the outcome will be. He also knows who to put on that road to help me on my journey. He hand picked my Parents for me. I am so grateful to Him for the two people He chose. He knew who I needed and He provided abundantly!
Dad...Mom....thank you!!!!!! You are exactly what I want and need in a set of parents and I thank God each and every day for you!!! I may be an adult, but there are still days I just need to be a child. You allow me to do that and I love you for it. Thank you....I love you!
Posted by Michele at 8:32 PM 3 comments